Sometimes it is important to protect your intellectual property. Any process that distributes PDF files is open to abuse, however watermarking of a document with the current user’s details dynamically, provides an effective disincentive to illegally distribute a document.
OnlearnLMS provides a mechanism to insert the current user’s name, email, and a date at the bottom of every page of the PDF before downloading it to that user.
The text is configurable, and can include User details such as name, email, etc.
In conjunction with the PDF Page View this helps make it easy for users to view any PDF document, but difficult to save in bulk, if that is the desired effect.
However, if you wish to have the presentation shown in the PDF Page Flip view, but also allow downloading the whole document with a Watermark, then a separate download button can be inserted with a hyperlink to download the watermarked version of the PDF.